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Files & Folders

Most Packs/Troops have files that they need to get out their scouts, parents, volunteers and new members on occasion. For example, medial forms or special permission forms for a weekend event.


To upload a file you’ll need to create/select a folder first. Folders are a great way to group like files together such as “Medical Forms”.

Uploading files to a folder

To upload one or more files navigate into the folder then drag files into the Drop files here area or click the area to open a dialog and select a file. It may take several minutes for all your files to upload depending on the size of the file and the speed of your connection. The maximum size file supported is 10MB in size.

After upload you can edit the file properties to fine tune its name and how it will display on your website.

Public vs Private files

By default files are public. Keeping a file public means that users will not be required to login to download or view the file. This is especially important when you reference images on your website. It's also important for files in an email as users will tend not to open your file if they have to login. If you need to disable public access edit the file and uncheck the box Is Public.

Getting a referencing to a file

You may want to add a link to a file in emails you send out. The public reference is not the same link you use to view and edit the file as an administrator. To reference a file in any email / event you’ll need to:

  1. Ensure your file is public
  2. Right-click the public access link icon. It's the down arrow icon.
  3. Select “copy link address” (the option may vary with your browser)