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Import Data

Import scouts, adults and awards directly from Scoutbook, ScoutNET, Excel and from a variety of other sources using Scout Manager's self-service import capability.

Import​ Scouts, Adults ​& Awards

Getting​ ​ your​ ​ data​ ​ into​ ​ any​ ​ online​ ​ system​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ a ​ ​ challenge.​ ​ ​ We’ve​ ​ done​ ​ our​ ​ best​ ​ to​ ​ make​ ​ this process​ ​ as​ ​ easy​ ​ as​ ​ possible​ ​ and​ ​ we​ ​ can​ ​ import​ ​ data​ ​ from​ ​ most​ ​ sources​ ​ whether​ ​ you​ ​ collected​ ​ it manually​ ​ or​ ​ exported​ ​ from​ ​ another​ ​ system.​ ​ ​ We​ ​ understand​ ​ that​ ​ sometimes​ ​ it​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ difficult because​ ​ not​ ​ all​ ​ data​ ​ is​ ​ made​ ​ the​ ​ same.​ ​ ​ We’re​ ​ here​ ​ to​ ​ help​ ​ so​ ​ if​ ​ you​ ​ need​ ​ it​ ​ just​ ​ send​ ​ an​ ​ email to​ ​ support@scoutmanager.com​ . ​ ​ ​ We​ ​ do​ ​ lots​ ​ of​ ​ imports​ ​ so​ ​ we​ ​ can​ ​ often​ ​ get​ ​ your​ ​ data​ ​ into​ ​ the system​ ​ fairly​ ​ quickly.

To​ ​ access​ ​ the​ ​ import​ ​ section​ ​ use​ ​ the​ ​ menu​ ​ Administration​ ​ =>​ ​ Data​ ​ Import.​ ​ ​ You​ ​ can​ ​ import​ ​ both user​ ​ and​ ​ awards​ ​ data​ ​ separately​ ​ as​ ​ needed.

Scoutbook import & syncrhonization

It is highly recommended to setup synchronization between Scout Manager and Scoutbook which is the official scout record keeping location. Once you have this setup you can get updates from SB and push updates back to the BSA with a few clicks.

This is an excellent way to do an initial setup of all your scout and award data!

What you need to get started
You can import your scouts, parents, adult leaders and awards directly from Scoutbook. You'll need the credentials to an administrative account and within a few minutes the system will automatically pull the information into Scout Manager.

To get started you'll need download and install both of these:

  • an account with Admin rights on Scouts BSA/Scoutbook
  • Download and install Chrome browser
  • Install from Chrome the Scout Manager Chrome extension to connect Scoutbook to Scout Manager.
  • Install Chrome browser, then open Chrome to this page and click on this link.

Next >> Assign Leadership roles

How do I synchronize with Scoutbook?

Follow this process to synchronize your scout awards to Scoutbook.

  1. Using the Chrome browser Log in to Scout Manager and then in another tab login to Scoutbook.
  2. In Scoutbook click (will appear after login to Scoutbook)
  3. Click . This could take several minutes. The progress indicator will let you know when its complete.
  4. Click . Select the date range for awards you want to send
  5. Click

What happens during the Scoutbook synchronization process?

Scout Manager will sync up with the Scoutbook roster by receiving the data it has on file, then it will send over your advancement data. It all happens in just a few minutes and you can watch the progress as we work. Below we've provided some insight for what will be moved between the systems.

Receive Users & Advancement

Scout Manager will pull the following information from Scoutbook and update it into Scout Manager. User details from Scout Manager is not sent to Scoutbook.
  • Scouts
  • Parents - automatically linked to scouts
  • Adult leaders
  • Ranks
  • Adventures
  • Merit Badges
  • General awards tracked by Scouts BSA.

Send advancement

Scout Manager will send your advancement records in Scout Manager to Scoutbook according to the date ranges you select. Awards that are earned within the selected date range will be sent.
  • Ranks
  • Adventures
  • Merit Badges
  • General awards tracked by Scouts BSA.

Import​ ​ from​ ​ another​ ​ source​

You​ ​ may​ ​ have​ ​ data​ ​ in​ ​ another​ ​ system​ ​ that​ ​ you​ ​ want​ ​ to​ ​ import either​ ​ separately​ ​ or​ ​ in​ ​ addition​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ ScoutNet​ ​ import.​ ​ ​ For​ ​ example​ ​ you​ ​ may​ ​ want​ ​ to​ ​ import your​ ​ adult​ ​ leaders​ ​ and​ ​ parents​ ​ (which​ ​ is​ ​ not​ ​ currently,​ ​ available​ ​ using​ ​ the​ ​ ScoutNet​ ​ import).​ ​ ​ For this​ ​ process​ ​ we​ ​ recommend​ ​ providing​ ​ your​ ​ data​ ​ in​ ​ spreadsheet​ ​ form​ ​ and​ ​ saving​ ​ the​ ​ data​ ​ as comma​ ​ separated​ ​ values​ ​ (CSV)​ ​ format.

You​ ​ may​ ​ need​ ​ to​ ​ do​ ​ a ​ ​ fair​ ​ amount​ ​ of​ ​ data​ ​ preparation​ ​ in​ ​ a ​ ​ spreadsheet​ ​ application,​ ​ but​ ​ it​ ​ will save​ ​ you​ ​ valuable​ ​ time​ ​ later​ ​ so​ ​ it’s​ ​ worth​ ​ the​ ​ effort.​ ​ ​ To​ ​ save​ ​ time​ ​ we​ ​ provide​ ​ a ​ spreadsheet template​​ ​ with​ ​ header​ ​ columns​ ​ pre-populated.

Template​ ​ link: use this template when you already have your scout/parent data in a spreadsheet

Scout & Parent data template

The​ ​ headers​ ​ help​ ​ the​ ​ import​ ​ process​ ​ figure​ ​ out​ ​ what​ ​ data​ ​ is​ ​ in​ ​ which​ ​ column​ ​ to​ ​ be​ ​ sure​ ​ to​ ​ use the​ ​ exact​ ​ name​ ​ in​ ​ the​ ​ template,​ ​ however​ ​ the​ ​ order​ ​ of​ ​ the​ ​ columns​ ​ is​ ​ not​ ​ important.​ ​ ​ Both​ ​ Scouts and​ ​ Adults​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ imported​ ​ at​ ​ the​ ​ same​ ​ time​ ​ --​ ​ there’s​ ​ a ​ ​ user​ ​ type​ ​ field​ ​ to​ ​ let​ ​ the​ ​ system​ ​ know which​ ​ type​ ​ of​ ​ user​ ​ you’re​ ​ importing.

Parent​ ​ data ​ ​ You​ ​ can​ ​ provide​ ​ parent​ ​ data​ ​ on​ ​ the​ ​ same​ ​ row​ ​ as​ ​ the​ ​ scout.​ ​ ​ The​ ​ system​ ​ will recognize​ ​ this​ ​ and​ ​ automatically​ ​ associate​ ​ them​ ​ together.​ ​ ​ This​ ​ is​ ​ a ​ ​ huge​ ​ time​ ​ saver​ ​ later​ ​ on​ ​ so consider​ ​ it.​ ​ ​ Up​ ​ to​ ​ 4 ​ ​ parents​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ specified.

When​ ​ importing​ ​ data​ ​ it’s​ ​ important​ ​ to​ ​ validate​ ​ that​ ​ the​ ​ data​ ​ is​ ​ consistent​ ​ in​ ​ each​ ​ column​ ​ top​ ​ to bottom.​ ​ ​ Adults​ ​ don’t​ ​ get​ ​ ranks,​ ​ den/patrol​ ​ and​ ​ other​ ​ Scout​ ​ related​ ​ fields.

Awards​ ​ import ​ ​ ​ If​ ​ you​ ​ need​ ​ to​ ​ import​ ​ awards​ ​ from​ ​ a ​ ​ source​ ​ other​ ​ than​ ​ ScoutNet,​ ​ the specification​ ​ for​ ​ the​ ​ data​ ​ is​ ​ as​ ​ follows:

  1. Scout's​ ​ Last​ ​ Name​​ ​ - ​ ​ the​ ​ first/last​ ​ name​ ​ must​ ​ match​ ​ your​ ​ scout​ ​ in​ ​ Scout​ ​ Manager​ ​ exactly.
  2. Scout's​ ​ First​ ​ Name
  3. Award​ ​ Date​​ ​ - ​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ formatted​ ​ as​ ​ yyyy/mm/dd,​ ​ yyyy-mm-dd,​ ​ mm/dd/yy,​ ​ mm-dd-yy, mm/dd/yyyy​ ​ or​ ​ mm-dd-yyyy.​ ​ (e.g.​ ​ 11-01-2015)
  4. Award​ ​ Name​ ​ or​ ​ Scoutnet​ ​ Code​​ ​ - ​ ​ We​ ​ do​ ​ our​ ​ best​ ​ to​ ​ match​ ​ the​ ​ award​ ​ name​ ​ using advanced​ ​ techniques,​ ​ but​ ​ sometimes​ ​ it​ ​ just​ ​ won't​ ​ match​ ​ up.​ ​ In​ ​ these​ ​ cases​ ​ we'll​ ​ show​ ​ you what​ ​ we​ ​ can't​ ​ figure​ ​ out​ ​ and​ ​ you'll​ ​ need​ ​ to​ ​ modify​ ​ your​ ​ input​ ​ file​ ​ to​ ​ help​ ​ identify​ ​ the​ ​ award.

Save​ ​ this​ ​ as​ ​ comma​ ​ separated​ ​ values​ ​ (CSV).​ ​ ​ Some​ ​ awards​ ​ names​ ​ contain​ ​ commas!​ ​ ​ This​ ​ will mess​ ​ up​ ​ your​ ​ data​ ​ (because​ ​ its​ ​ comma​ ​ separated),​ ​ so​ ​ remove​ ​ any​ ​ commas​ ​ and​ ​ other​ ​ special characters​ ​ from​ ​ awards​ ​ names​ ​ before​ ​ attempting​ ​ the​ ​ import.

You​ ​ can​ ​ import​ ​ awards​ ​ data​ ​ as​ ​ many​ ​ times​ ​ as​ ​ you​ ​ want.​ ​ ​ The​ ​ import​ ​ is​ ​ smart​ ​ enough​ ​ to​ ​ update already​ ​ imported​ ​ awards​ ​ (e.g.​ ​ you​ ​ need​ ​ to​ ​ update​ ​ dates)​ ​ and​ ​ not​ ​ create​ ​ multiple​ ​ awards.

The​ ​ scout’s​ ​ name​ ​ must​ ​ match​ ​ exactly​ ​ else​ ​ the​ ​ import​ ​ with​ ​ kick​ ​ it​ ​ out.​ ​ ​ If​ ​ you​ ​ see​ ​ this​ ​ during​ ​ the import​ ​ process​ ​ go​ ​ back​ ​ to​ ​ your​ ​ spreadsheet​ ​ and​ ​ make​ ​ corrections,​ ​ then​ ​ retry​ ​ the​ ​ import. The​ ​ import​ ​ may​ ​ also​ ​ kick​ ​ out​ ​ award​ ​ names​ ​ that​ ​ it​ ​ doesn’t​ ​ recognize.​ ​ ​ This​ ​ is​ ​ usually​ ​ due​ ​ to inconsistent​ ​ naming​ ​ practices​ ​ across​ ​ software​ ​ applications.​ ​ ​ The​ ​ easiest​ ​ resolution​ ​ and recommended​ ​ is​ ​ to​ ​ update​ ​ your​ ​ spreadsheet​ ​ with​ ​ the​ ​ exact​ ​ BSA​ ​ name​ ​ and​ ​ then​ ​ retry​ ​ the import.

This​ ​ process​ ​ can​ ​ be​ ​ tedious.​ ​ ​ If​ ​ you’re​ ​ having​ ​ troubles​ ​ send​ ​ an​ ​ email​ ​ to support@scoutmanager.com​​ ​ and​ ​ ask​ ​ for​ ​ help.

Step​ ​ by​ ​ step​ ​ importing​ ​ your​ ​ data

By​ ​ far​ ​ the​ ​ easiest​ ​ path​ ​ to​ ​ importing​ ​ scout​ ​ & ​ ​ award​ ​ data​ ​ is​ ​ to​ ​ use​ ​ the​ ​ ScoutNet​ ​ import.​ ​ ​ Using​ ​ your ScoutNet​ ​ credentials​ ​ the​ ​ system​ ​ can​ ​ pull​ ​ in​ ​ all​ ​ your​ ​ scouts​ ​ and​ ​ their​ ​ awards​ ​ in​ ​ a ​ ​ few​ ​ minutes.​ ​ ​ The process​ ​ is​ ​ mostly​ ​ hands​ ​ off​ ​ requiring​ ​ on​ ​ a ​ ​ final​ ​ review​ ​ and​ ​ import​ ​ click​ ​ from​ ​ you. 6After​ ​ that​ ​ I'd​ ​ recommend​ ​ using​ ​ the​ ​ Scout​ ​ & ​ ​ Parent​ ​ CSV​ ​ Template​ to​ ​ prepare​ ​ your​ ​ data​ ​ for​ ​ import (click​ ​ the​ ​ link​ ​ to​ ​ download​ ​ the​ ​ template).​ ​ The​ ​ advantage​ ​ of​ ​ using​ ​ this​ ​ template​ ​ is​ ​ that​ ​ you​ ​ can​ ​ pull​ ​ in both​ ​ scout​ ​ and​ ​ adult/parent​ ​ data​ ​ at​ ​ the​ ​ same​ ​ time.​ ​ ​ To​ ​ use​ ​ it:

  1. Download​ ​ the​ ​ template​ ​ and​ ​ open​ ​ it​ ​ in​ ​ MS​ ​ Excel​ ​ or​ ​ equivalent.
  2. You'll​ ​ see​ t ​ hat​ ​ we've​ ​ pre-populated​ ​ the​ ​ headers.​ ​ Keep​ ​ these​ ​ named​ ​ as​ ​ is​ ​ because we'll​ ​ use​ ​ them​ ​ to​ ​ auto-discover​ ​ the​ ​ columns​ ​ during​ ​ import.​ ​ You​ ​ can​ ​ put​ ​ the columns​ ​ in​ ​ a ​ ​ different​ ​ order​ ​ or​ ​ remove​ ​ columns​ ​ if​ ​ you​ ​ don't​ ​ need​ ​ them.
  3. Using​ ​ the​ ​ sample​ ​ data​ ​ as​ ​ a ​ ​ guide​ ​ fill​ ​ in​ ​ the​ ​ rows​ ​ with​ ​ your​ ​ user​ ​ data.​ ​ Parent​ ​ data should​ ​ go​ ​ on​ ​ the​ ​ same​ ​ row​ ​ as​ ​ the​ ​ Scout.​ ​ You​ ​ don't​ ​ have​ ​ to​ ​ provide​ ​ every​ ​ data field,​ ​ but​ ​ you​ ​ MUST​ ​ provide​ ​ a ​ ​ first​ ​ and​ ​ last​ ​ name.
  4. Save​ ​ as​ ​ CSV​ ​ (comma-separated-values)
  5. Switch​ ​ back​ ​ to​ ​ your​ ​ browser​ ​ and​ ​ open​ ​ up​ ​ Scout​ ​ Manager
  6. In​ ​ the​ ​ menu​ ​ select​ ​ Administration​ ​ =>​ ​ Import​ ​ Data
  7. Select​ ​ "User​ ​ Import​ ​ / ​ ​ User​ ​ File​ ​ Import"​ ​ and​ ​ follow​ ​ the​ ​ directions​ ​ to​ ​ import​ ​ your data.

Note​ ​ that​ ​ you​ ​ cannot​ ​ import​ ​ parent​ ​ data​ ​ without​ ​ a ​ ​ scout.​ ​ But​ ​ you​ ​ can​ ​ import​ ​ adults​ ​ along​ ​ with​ ​ your scout​ ​ data,​ ​ just​ ​ be​ ​ sure​ ​ to​ ​ specify​ ​ which​ ​ is​ ​ which​ ​ (use​ ​ the​ ​ template!).

When​ ​ the​ ​ import​ ​ finishes​ ​ you'll​ ​ have​ ​ your​ ​ scout​ ​ data​ ​ and​ ​ parents​ ​ (if​ ​ you​ ​ added​ ​ them)​ ​ in​ ​ the​ ​ system. The​ ​ import​ ​ process​ ​ will​ ​ automatically​ ​ link​ ​ the​ ​ parents​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ scouts.​ ​ If​ ​ you​ ​ run​ ​ the​ ​ import​ ​ process multiple​ ​ times​ ​ it​ ​ will​ ​ detect​ ​ existing​ ​ scouts​ ​ and​ ​ update​ ​ their​ ​ information.

You​ ​ can​ ​ also​ ​ combine​ ​ techniques.​ ​ ​ For​ ​ example,​ ​ use​ ​ ScoutNet​ ​ to​ ​ get​ ​ your​ ​ scouts.​ ​ ​ Then​ ​ export​ ​ the data​ ​ (get​ ​ it​ ​ from​ ​ the​ ​ Data​ ​ Backup),​ ​ add​ ​ parents​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ scouts​ ​ using​ ​ the​ ​ Scout​ ​ & ​ ​ Parent​ ​ CSV template​ ​ and​ ​ then​ ​ import​ ​ it.​ ​ ​ The​ ​ import​ ​ will​ ​ auto-discover​ ​ the​ ​ scouts​ ​ by​ ​ first/last​ ​ name​ ​ --​ ​ it​ ​ won't create​ ​ duplicates​ ​ and​ ​ just​ ​ update​ ​ whatever​ ​ data​ ​ you​ ​ add/changed.